3 jan. 2008


Whish you a good Epiphany

7 kommentarer:

Jag och mej själv sa...

Hej och såklart önskar jag dej detsamma Lustigt men jag råkade klicka på din bild så nu vet jag att kamelerna rör sig Ja dom blir väl också påverkade av den rörelse inbjudande musiken
Ha det bra och jag återkommer även om jag just nu inte tillbringar så mycket tid vid datorn så kommer jag att titta in hos dej

Monique sa...

What is a Epiphany?

I blog as Monique because I created a new blog. Come and have a look!


Middle Ditch sa...

You must think that I'm absolutely stupid!

But I'm not English and I don't know the name and I also don't know what it is called in Holland.

ANNA-LYS sa...

Middle Ditch

I am convinced that Bigga tried the best she could to answer Your question, by explaining what she meant. This should not be regret as a bad threat towards You. I care very much for Bigga a lady of 81 years that tries the best she can to communicate in a language she has not learnt in school or elsewhere, than here in the blogosphere.

This is why we have given her the name "The Wild Rose of Cyberspace"


Monique sa...

Dearest Bigga. I'm really sorry if I upset you. That was totally unintentionally as I explained to Anna-Lys. It was really meant to be a joke. You telling me what it is in English and me still not getting it. How stupid is that? Hug and lots of love. I am but a silly woman!

ANNA-LYS sa...

You are definitively not silly, neither Bigga, maybe me ;-)
But, it is not easy (as You Yourself have experience in)to communicate not-f2f and on top of that in a second or third language :-)

The only signs we can follow is
? ! :-) :-D :-P
and You made a !
Guess that's why it was interpreted the way it was.

Hugs Ladies ;-)

Middle Ditch sa...

Monique hugs you both.